So, How Much Is Botox? (It Depends, But Here’s What To Know)

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neurotoxin treatment womans face

Table of Content

  • How Much Is Botox?
  • What Affects Botox Average Cost?
  • Learn More About Botox and Other Treatments

Botox injections relax the muscles in your face, making wrinkles smoother and less noticeable. It was the first brand of injectable botulinum toxin used to treat wrinkles and facial creases and has grown in popularity since its introduction in 1989. By 2020, it was the most popular cosmetic minimally invasive procedure, with more than 4 million treatments.1

How Much Is Botox?

Botox costs around $9 to $15 per unit, and your treatment area determines how many units you need. The Botox average cost is between $400 and $500.2

Some injectors charge based on the area you treat instead of per unit. Always talk to your injector before you get Botox injections so you clearly understand your total cost.

What Affects Botox Average Cost?

Several factors play into the final costs of your Botox treatment. Note that insurance doesn’t cover Botox used for cosmetic purposes.

Number of Units

One of the main contributors to the cost of Botox treatments is how many injections you need. Between 10 and 30 units of Botox is a typical treatment to address forehead wrinkles. If you get 20 units at $13 per unit, your injections cost $260. That cost is for the injections themselves, and your injector may include other charges.

Facial Area

Different areas of your face require varying Botox units to get your desired results.3 Crow’s feet usually require 10-15 injections on each side. The number of units needed for your forehead might increase if you also address your glabella, the area between your eyes. That could require another 20-30 units.

Geographic Area

Your Botox cost also varies by location. Areas where the cost of living is higher typically have more expensive treatments.4 If you want to save money, you can look into areas further away from home.

Who Administers Your Botox

The training and experience of your Botox injector will factor into your overall cost. A board-certified plastic surgeon may charge more than a nurse practitioner or other qualified professional. Check the laws of your state to see who is allowed to administer Botox if you want to shop around and lower your costs.

Learn More About Botox and Other Treatments

To learn more about improving your appearance and self-confidence, visit My Filler Treatment. We offer physician-reviewed guides and articles about similar treatment options so you can make the best decisions for your care.


  1. American Society of Plastic Surgeons: “Plastic surgery Statistics Report.”
  2. American Society of Plastic Surgeons: “Botulinum Toxin: How Much Do Botulinum Toxin Injections Cost?”
  3. Cosmopolitan: “How Much Does Botox Cost? Everything You Need to Know About First-Time Botox.”
  4. GoodRx: “How Much Does Botox Cost?”