The Sculptra BBL Guide: Everything You Need to Know

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Table of Content

  • How Does a Sculptra BBL Procedure Work?
  • Sculptra BBL Benefits
  • Who Is Sculptra BBL Good For?
  • Learn More About Filler Treatments To Enhance Your Appearance

Sculptra BBL injections are an alternative to butt implants and invasive Brazilian butt lift procedures. During a Sculptra BBL procedure, a licensed professional injects poly-L-lactic acid into your buttocks.1 This stimulates your body to create more collagen, the protein that provides structure and support. Over time, the increased collagen will give your backside a fuller, smoother look.

Using Sculptra to enhance the appearance of your buttocks is much safer than other procedures. Brazilian butt lifts that utilize fat from different parts of your body have resulted in deaths worldwide due to complications. Many of those deaths have occurred in the United States.2

How Does a Sculptra BBL Procedure Work?

Generally, Sculptra BBL treatments are very straightforward.3 You don’t have to do much to prepare for Sculptra BBL injections, and there is minimal downtime following your treatments. You should talk to your Sculptra professional, who can help you understand the procedure thoroughly before you make any decisions. 

Pretreatment Instructions

Start with a consultation so you can ask questions and get a professional opinion about whether Sculptra BBL is a good option for you. Talk to your doctor if you are on blood-thinning medications, as you may have to stop using them for a few weeks before your treatments. If you smoke, quit two weeks before your procedure.

Be sure you set realistic expectations and clarify the specific improvements you would like to see.

Procedure Details and Duration

During a Sculptra BBL, your doctor will numb the area where the injections occur. They will mark the areas that receive injections to help ensure a symmetrical look and help you achieve your desired results. 

The doctor will then inject the Sculptra into the marked areas. The injections are not deep and only have to reach the layer below the skin. The procedure lasts between 45 and 60 minutes, depending on the number of injections you get.

Posttreatment Care and Recovery

Following your procedure, your healthcare professional will clean your buttocks and apply bandages to the injection areas. You may feel some pain and tenderness following the procedure, and you should avoid heavy exercise for three to five days. You should also gently massage your buttocks several times a day for five days to help distribute the filler.

Sculptra BBL Benefits

Sculptra BBL injections cannot only enhance your appearance and give you more confidence, but they are also safer than alternative procedures. Some of the benefits of Sculptra BBL include:4

  • Enhanced shape and curve of your butt
  • Boosted collagen production
  • Reduced fine lines and wrinkles
  • Enhanced overall skin appearance
  • Lower complications and risks than surgical procedures
  • Short recovery time
  • Quick treatments

You can worry less about having regrets. The effects of Sculptra BBL can last for between two and five years and are more subtle than surgical Brazilian butt lifts. 

Side Effects

There are very few potential side effects to Sculptra BBL treatments. You may have some bruising and swelling but do not have to face the risks of anesthesia or surgical complications.5 If you experience any other side effects from your injections, contact your healthcare professional immediately for guidance.

Who Is Sculptra BBL Good For?

Sculptra BBL treatments are a good option for people who worry about the dangers of surgical procedures such as Brazilian butt lifts or butt implants. They are also less expensive than plastic surgery, though the cost will rise if you continue treatment every few years. 

People who can’t get Brazilian butt lifts are also good candidates for Sculptra BBL injections.6 Brazilian butt lifts require moving fat from another part of your body to enhance your backside. If you are very thin, doctors won’t be able to harvest enough fat to get your desired appearance.

You should be prepared to receive between three and five injections into each buttock during a Sculptra BBL treatment. You may need two or three sessions in total, spaced a month apart. It will take at least a few weeks and perhaps several months to see results as your body produces more collagen.

Sculptra BBL Costs

The overall cost of your Sculptra BBL injections depends on several factors. Your location and your doctor’s experience may increase your costs. Your overall cost also depends on how many treatments you need to get the desired results. Each vial of Sculptra fillers costs about $1,000.7 Keep in mind that you are treating both buttocks. 

During your initial consultation, your doctor can give you an idea of how much your overall treatment will cost. Don’t be afraid to ask questions or consider changing your goals if your budget doesn’t allow your ideal outcome. Your goal may be to change your appearance, but that won’t make you feel better about yourself if the cost upsets other parts of your life or your beauty routine.

Learn More About Filler Treatments To Enhance Your Appearance

Find guides, helpful hints, and information about various filler treatments through the physician-reviewed articles at My Filler Treatment. Our comprehensive articles give you the information you need to make informed choices about using fillers to get your desired results.


  1. Healthline: “Everything to Know About a Sculptra Butt Lift.”
  2. The Guardian: “Brazilian Butt Lift: Behind the World’s Most Dangerous Cosmetic Surgery.”
  3. Skinly Aesthetics: “Sculptra Butt Lift and Liquid Butt Lift.”
  4. Haute Beauty: “8 Things You Need to Know About the Sculptra Butt Lift.”
  5. Juvly: “Sculptra BBL.”
  6. Miami Skin & Veins: “Your Complete Guide to the Sculptra BBL.”
  7. Elite Body Sculpture: “Is a Sculptra BBL Worth the Cost?”