Radiesse Cost Breakdown: Here’s What You Can Expect

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Radiesse Filler

Table of Content

  • Radiesse Cost
  • How Does Radiesse Work?
  • Tips For Learning More About Radiesse
  • Learn More About Radiesse and Other Filler Treatments

Radiesse is a dermal filler that helps fill in areas of fat loss on the face and smooths your skin. People commonly get Radiesse treatments around their nose and mouth, though you can also use treatments on your hands. Your doctor can help you decide how many injections of Radiesse you need to get the desired results. Consider the costs of Radiesse treatments before consulting your doctor, so you can ask questions and get a clear picture of whether the filler treatments are worth it.

Radiesse Cost

Taking care of your skin and achieving the look you desire is an investment. If you are considering Radiesse dermal filler to treat your face, it helps to understand its costs and how it might help you. You deserve to feel good about yourself, and only you can decide if the potential results will be worth the cost.

Factors That Affect the Cost of Radiesse Treatments

The overall cost of your Radiesse treatments includes things other than the cost of the filler itself. Other factors that affect the cost of Radiesse treatments include:1

  • Your geographic location
  • The number of injections needed to restore lost volume in the face or deep folds
  • Training and experience of your provider
  • Maintenance through follow-up visits
  • Treatment area
  • Any other fees, such as consultation or facilities fees

Is Radiesse Expensive?

The cost of the Radiesse filler syringes varies from $600 to $800.2 When combined with the other factors mentioned above, your costs could be anywhere from $700 to $2,000 per treatment.3

It is essential to consider that Radiesse syringes contain 1.5 mL of product, while other fillers such as Juvederm Voluma and Restylane Lyft only have 1 mL of product per syringe. This affects the overall cost of your treatment if you are comparing products.

Does Insurance Cover Radiesse?

Radiesse filler treatments are cosmetic procedures, so they are not generally covered by insurance. But many doctors and clinics offer to finance, so the treatment is not out of reach if you can’t pay all at once.4 You could also consider using a credit card to pay for your Radiesse fillers, giving you the option of repaying over time.

How Does Radiesse Work?

Understanding how Radiesse works and whether you are a good candidate for filler treatment can help you decide if the above costs make the procedure worth it. If you aren’t fully confident that Radiesse can give you your desired results, talk to a specialist who can provide you with a more detailed assessment.

Radiesse is made with gel microspheres of calcium hydroxylapatite, which contains calcium and phosphate.5 These occur naturally in your body. Radiesse injections start to fill out your face immediately but also prompt the body to produce more collagen. Collagen is a protein that provides support and structure, so stimulating the body to produce more is one of the main benefits of Radiesse.

Radiesse works well for areas around the mouth and nose, but you should talk to your doctor about treating specialized regions, such as under your eyes. They may recommend specialized treatments such as tear trough fillers. You may be able to combine Radiesse with other types of treatments with your doctor’s approval.

Who Are Good Candidates For Radiesse?

People between the ages of 35 and 60 are the most common candidates for Radiesse fillers.6 They use it to fill in lines, wrinkles, and folds around their mouths and noses. You can also receive Radiesse filler treatments to fill in fat loss on your face or to add volume to the backs of your hands.

You should avoid Radiesse fillers if you have an active skin infection or a history of allergies. You should also talk to your doctor if you are allergic to lidocaine or similar drugs.

Is Radiesse Worth It?

You can expect your Radiesse filler treatments to be effective for 18 months to two years. That and your budget should factor into your decision to get the treatments. Radiesse is also more effective than other fillers at helping with deeper wrinkles or volume loss.

Radiesse filler is also highly regarded by patients who receive the treatment.8 While some positive reviews you find online might only mention the doctor or practice that did the treatments, it is hard to imagine positive reviews if patients don’t like the overall results.

Tips For Learning More About Radiesse

Read online reviews of Radiesse, and try to find people who have already had the treatment so you can ask them questions. Talk to your doctor to ask about past patient experiences and whether they think Radiesse injections will help you reach your skin goals. Don’t be afraid to ask questions, especially regarding the overall cost of your treatments. You don’t want any surprises down the road that will make you regret your decision, even with good results.

Also, ask your doctor about other dermal fillers, such as Sculptra, to make the best choice possible. 

Learn More About Radiesse and Other Filler Treatments

You deserve to feel confident in yourself, and getting there can be worth the financial investment. Learn more about Radiesse and other filler treatments by visiting My Filler Treatment. Our comprehensive, physician-reviewed articles give you the information you need to ask your doctor the right questions and make the right decisions.


  1. AEDIT: “How Much Does Radiesse Cost?”
  2. AEDIT: “How Much Does Radiesse Cost?”
  3. AEDIT: “How Much Does Radiesse Cost?”
  4. American Society of Plastic Surgeons: “Dermal Fillers.”
  5. Skinly Aesthetics: “Radiesse Treatments NYC.”
  6. Healthline: “Radiesse: What You Need to Know.”
  7. Byrdie: “Radiesse Dermal Filler.”
  8. Real Patient Ratings: “Radiesse.”